Note legali


GEBHARDT Intralogistics Group
Neulandstrasse 28
74889 Sinsheim / Germany
Tel. +49 (0) 7261 - 939-0
Fax +49 (0) 7261 - 939-100


Authorised representatives:

Fritz Gebhardt, Marco Gebhardt, Reinhold Himmelhan

Court of registration: Mannheim HRB 701191
Head office: 74889 Sinsheim
VAT ID number: DE 811 20 40 23
Tax number: 44077 / 14031
Sinsheim tax office


Liability for content:

GEBHARDT Intralogistics Group is responsible for all contents of the website.

All of the details and information on our website have been carefully researched and checked by us or a service provider. This information is a service of the GEBHARDT Intralogistics Group.

However, neither we nor third parties are able to accept any liability for its correctness, completeness or up-to-datedness. All data is provided exclusively for the information of the visitor and therefore for the GEBHARDT web presence. Liability is limited to intent or gross negligence. The websites of third parties, which may be referred to by the GEBHARDT website via hyperlinks, are the responsibility of the respective provider.

The GEBHARDT Intralogistics Group is not responsible for the content of such third party sites. Furthermore, it is possible that such websites have been linked with our website by means of a hyperlink without our knowledge. We do not accept any liability for representations, content or any connection to us in the websites of third parties.

We also reserve the right to amend and supplement the information provided by us. The contents and structure of this website are copyright protected. The duplication of information or data, in particular the use of texts, text sections or image materials requires the explicit prior consent of the GEBHARDT Intralogistics Group. Information per §6 provider identification of the TGD (German Teleservices Act).